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Helpful Tips For Homeowners

5 Lawn Care Myths

September 3, 2019
The Turfgrass Group

There are a lot of myths floating around about lawn care. It’s likely that you’ve heard a number of them. But how can you tell which information is true and which information is just a myth? We have gathered some information for you on some of the more common lawn care myths.  1. You should…


The Top 6 Questions People Have About TifTuf

July 8, 2019
The Turfgrass Group

TifTuf is a type of Bermudagrass that is very popular. It’s only available from certified growers. While it’s tough enough to handle a lot of foot traffic, it also looks amazing. Naturally, people have a lot of questions about this gorgeous grass. Here are the top six questions that people have. 1. How much water…


Product Spotlight: JaMur® Zoysia

January 16, 2019
The Turfgrass Group

JaMur has established itself as a home lawn favorite and has earned its reputation as a low maintenance, but beautiful turfgrass choice. JaMur® is a great choice for high-wear and high visibility areas for many reasons. This zoysiagrass has characteristics that help both sod producers and homeowners maintain a stunning turf stand with much less…


Don’t Neglect Equipment Maintenance This Winter

January 15, 2019
Lawn Mower Repair

Don’t get too carried away with the rest and relaxation – just because your turfgrass is dormant, it doesn’t mean you should be! When all the leaves and debris have been cleared from your turf and it’s not quite time to start thinking about herbicides and pesticides, it is still time to tackle the tasks…


All I Want for Christmas is…. Turf?

December 19, 2018
The Turfgrass Group

Okay, so maybe no one wrote to Santa to ask for a bermudagrass lawn this year, BUT that doesn’t mean they won’t be asking for it at spring green-up. You can bet that when their neighbors’ lawns are beginning to look plush and full, the guys buried in an acre of clover and dandelion will…


Product Spotlight: T10 Certified Bermuda

December 14, 2018
The Turfgrass Group

Originated in the South’s turfgrass capitol, Tifton, Georgia, T10 is a popular choice among homeowners and sports turf managers because of its low maintenance nature and traffic tolerance. It is also popular on residential lawns due to its decreased mowing frequency requirement. T10 is right at home from the deep South all the way into…


Product Spotlight on Zeon Zoysiagrass

November 27, 2018
The Turfgrass Group

Every variety of turfgrass offers unique benefits and challenges. It is always important to choose a variety carefully, based on the season, traffic, desired appearance and other factors. One great option for zoysiagrass is Zeon. Zeon is a low maintenance breed – it requires only one inch of water per week, and a small amount…


Take Care of Turfgrass Equipment this Winter

November 20, 2018
The Turfgrass Group

Once the grass has stopped growing for the winter, you can celebrate the end of mowing season, but not until you’ve properly prepared your mower and other equipment for hibernation. Here are a few steps to winterizing your mower: Remove fuel from the tank Clean off all dust, grass and trimmings Remove the mower battery…


Don't Let Fall Trip You Up

November 19, 2018
The Turfgrass Group

The cooler weather is upon us, and it’s time to consider how to protect and preserve your turfgrass for the coming months. Sure, there will be less traffic on it when the temperatures drop a little bit. And there’s always plenty of rain or snow to consider. You have to be prepared for these seasonal…


Fall Lawn Maintenance

October 29, 2018
The Turfgrass Group

We’re all looking forward to less-frequent watering and mowing as our lawns go into their dormant season, but that doesn’t mean we can put up our feet and leave the lawn alone until next March! Here are a few fall lawncare tips to protect and preserve the health of your turfgrass, even during the winter:…