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Helpful Tips For Homeowners

Bermuda Grass Vs. Crabgrass: Can You Tell the Difference?

September 7, 2021
Bermuda Grass vs. Crabgrass

There are plenty of similarities between Bermuda grass and Crabgrass. For instance, they both grow quickly, dominate other plants, and can overwhelm your lawn if left unchecked. However, Bermuda grass, if controlled and maintained, makes for a beautiful, thick, and attractive lawn. Alternatively, Crabgrass is never considered a desirable turf. So when it comes to…


Lawn Mowing and Yard Maintenance: The Cheat-Sheet Version

August 22, 2021
Lawn Mowing and Yard Maintenance: The Cheat-Sheet Version

The key to unlocking a beautiful lawn is regular lawn mowing and yard maintenance. But while there isn’t a magic wand you can wave to get the job done, there are some simple tips. Read on for our cheat-sheet version to getting a lovely lawn! Lawn Mowing and Yard Maintenance When it comes to keeping…


Summer Lawn Diseases to Look Out For

August 15, 2021
Summer Lawn Diseases to Look Out For

Nothing ruins a beautiful, lush lawn faster than nasty summer lawn diseases! Luckily, it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 to protect your lawn. Just remember these steps: prevent, identify, and fight. Read on to learn more about which summer lawn diseases you should be on the lookout for. And how you can prevent or…


Nostoc: A Green Jelly Growing On Your Lawn

August 13, 2021
The Turfgrass Group

Have you noticed a strange green jelly growing on your lawn? It may look strange or even alarming at first. But this unusual organism is nothing to be afraid of. It is not harmful to plants or animals, though it does look unpleasant on your lawn. Getting rid of it can be a challenge, but…


Top 5 Questions About Soil Quality You Should Ask

August 7, 2021
Top 5 Questions About Soil Quality You Should Ask

If you’re trying to achieve the perfect lawn, you may have heard that you need to start at the bottom. That’s right, we mean dirt! You may not realize that questions about soil quality are actually a great starting point. While mowing, feeding, and watering your lawn are all important steps, it really starts with…


What’s the Best Drought-Tolerant Sod?

July 30, 2021
Best Drought-Tolerant Sod

Do you want to save water and still have a beautiful lawn? Sounds impossible! In fact, it’s more attainable than you might think. Drought-tolerant sod is a great option for your lawn, and there are several special varieties designed for drought conditions. You can save money on your utility bills this summer or just have…


How to Get Rid of Moss in Your Lawn

July 23, 2021
How to Get Rid of Moss in Your Lawn

Have you ever looked out across your lawn and noticed thick patches of moss? While moss is not technically a weed, if you aren’t growing it on purpose, it may as well be one. Moss is a simple and ancient plant with a shallow root system. It is an opportunistic plant that will take hold…


Cool Season vs. Warm Season Grasses

July 9, 2021
Cool Season vs. Warm Season Grasses

When you research different types of turf, one of the first observations you might make is that some grasses are termed cool season while others are warm season. In fact, these are two broad categories that horticulturalists and turf growers use to describe almost any turf variety. But don’t be fooled by the name. For…


Streamline Your Lawn-Care Routine

July 7, 2021
Streamline Your Lawn-Care Routine

We’ve all heard the adage, “a dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.” And of course, that is especially true when it comes to your lawn-care routine. Unfortunately, there’s no magic wand to wave to get a lush, green lawn. That result requires well-planned, regular maintenance. And while…


The Best Grass for a Hot Climate

June 30, 2021
best grass for a hot climate

Summer is here, which means it is time to get out and enjoy your lawn. With temperatures on the rise, your attention is certainly turning to the fresh air and your home’s landscaping. And of course, the foundation of enjoying your outdoor space is a beautiful lawn! But a beautiful lawn takes some good planning…