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Helpful Tips For Homeowners

Best Fertilizers for Bermuda Grass Lawn – Balancing Nutrients!

February 10, 2023
The Turfgrass Group

The secret to a lush, green Bermuda grass lawn is all about getting the right balance of nutrients. And while there are many different fertilizer products on the market designed for Bermuda grass, not all of them will give you the best results. In this blog post, we’ll share our top tips for choosing the…


TifTuf™ Keeps Growing Strong All Year Long

January 30, 2023
The Turfgrass Group

If you’re looking for a turfgrass that’s tough enough to withstand the challenges of Georgia’s climate, TifTuf™ is a great choice. This cultivar has been specially bred to thrive in hot, humid conditions, and it’s perfect for homeowners, business owners, and landscapers who want a beautiful lawn that will stay green all year long. Read…


When Water is Hard to Come By … Buy TIFTUF™

January 20, 2023
The Turfgrass Group

When you’re considering what kind of grass to put in your yard, it’s important to think about how much water the grass will need. You don’t want to waste water, especially if it’s hard to come by in your area. That’s where TIFTUF Bermuda Grass comes in. TIFTUF is the perfect choice for when water…


Why Good Soil Matters

January 10, 2023
The Turfgrass Group

Soil plays a critical role in the growth and health of all plants – especially lawn turf. It acts as a water filter, nutrient source, and habitat for trillions of organisms. When you think you have a turf problem, maybe it’s your soil that is not good! The more you know about soil, the better.…


New Year, New Turf

December 30, 2022
New Year, New Turf

The new year has arrived, and it’s time to start fresh. The first thing many people think about is what they want to do with their yard – should they change the turf? There are a lot of different types of turf out there, so let’s take a look at them! Why Variety Matters Turf…


Do You Know These Basics of Lawn Aeration?

December 26, 2022
The Turfgrass Group

Like most living things, plant roots — including those of turfgrass — need air, water, and nutrients. Unfortunately, traffic on the grass — from feet and vehicle/equipment tires, even from lawnmowers — can compact the soil, squeezing out the spaces between soil particles and preventing the vital movement of air, water, and nutrients down to…


The Benefits of Professional Zoysia Sod for the Amateur Lawn Enthusiast

December 20, 2022
Professional Zoysia Sod

Zoysia grass is native to Asia. However, it’s been in the United States since at least 1895. Professional Zoysia sod has steadily gained in popularity as a hardy, warm-season perennial turf. It’s well-suited to lawns across the southern states, from the hot, humid Southeast to parts of California. And there are a great many benefits…


Why You Need Sharp Mower Blades

November 30, 2022
The Turfgrass Group

Mowing your lawn is one of the most important things you can do to keep it healthy and looking great. However, if you’re using dull mower blades, you’re not doing your lawn any favors. In fact, you could be doing more harm than good. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of sharp mower…


Can I Mix Turfgrass Varieties?

November 26, 2022
mix turfgrass varieties

When it comes to having a beautiful, lush lawn, many homeowners have the same question: can I mix turfgrass varieties? There are many different types of turfgrass, and it can be confusing to know which one is best for your lawn. Some people mix turfgrass varieties in the hopes of getting the best of all…


Avoid These Common Mistakes to Avoid Winter Turf Diseases

November 10, 2022
Avoid Winter Turf Diseases

Winter is coming, and it will bring with it a slew of new challenges for your lawn. Cold temperatures, heavy rain, snowfall, and more all create the perfect conditions for turf diseases to flourish. Luckily there are ways to avoid common winter turf diseases to maintain your green space even in harsh weather. Read on…