What Does Bermuda Grass Look Like? – Lawn Care Tips

bermuda grass

Bermuda grass look (Cynodon dactylon) is a warm-season grass that is commonly used for lawns due to its resilience and vibrant appearance. It has several distinctive features that set it apart: Appearance: Bermuda grass has fine-textured blades that are narrow and pointed. The blades can vary in color, ranging from light green to dark green,…

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Why You Need Sharp Mower Blades

The Turfgrass Group

Mowing your lawn is one of the most important things you can do to keep it healthy and looking great. However, if you’re using dull mower blades, you’re not doing your lawn any favors. In fact, you could be doing more harm than good. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of sharp mower…

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Don't Let Fall Trip You Up

The Turfgrass Group

The cooler weather is upon us, and it’s time to consider how to protect and preserve your turfgrass for the coming months. Sure, there will be less traffic on it when the temperatures drop a little bit. And there’s always plenty of rain or snow to consider. You have to be prepared for these seasonal…

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How to Sharpen Your Mower Blade

The Turfgrass Group

We recommend sharpening your blade after every 8 to 10 mows. To get it sharp, remove the blade first. Use a vice to secure the blade, then use a metal file, bench grinder or grinder tip to clean the edge and remove any dents or imperfections. When you’ve got it sharp enough, you’ll want to…

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