Barefoot Friendly
Easy To Maintain
Great In The Shade
Dense And Hearty
Cold Weather Tolerant
Uses Less Fertilizer
A Lawn That Will Make the Plushest Carpet Green With Envy!
Zeon Zoysiagrass Will Provide Any Landscape With The Wow Factor!

First impressions count. That’s especially true of your lawn. Our patented superior fine-bladed Zeon® Zoysiagrass has the ‘wow’ factor that makes it the envy of neighbors, sod producers and turf breeders alike. And it’s as resilient as it is gorgeous… for a thick, fragrant carpet of grass, you’ll want to walk through in your bare feet. Zeon is considered to be the most beautiful of all the warm-season turfgrass cultivars. Just ask your neighbor.

Key Benefits of Zeon Zoysiagrass

Zeon Zoysiagrass is a luxurious and resilient turf grass ideal for use in the "sunbelt" areas of the country and stretches further into the northeast region that many other warm-climate varieties! Please see the map for further detail.
- Exceptional shade and drought tolerance.
- Fine bladed-with vertical leaf posture.
- Deep green in color for extraordinary appeal.
- Excellent late season color retention and early spring green-up.
- Short stolon and internode length.
- Vigorous root, stolon, and rhizome production.
- Available only through licensed growers.

Frequently Asked Questions About Zeon Zoysiagrass
How much water does my Zeon Zoysia® lawn need?
How often and how much should I fertilize Zeon Zoysia®?
What height is best for mowing Zeon Zoysia®?
Take a Moment to Browse Through the Zeon Zoysia® Image Gallery
Zeon Characteristics
- Exceptional shade & drought tolerance
- Fine-bladed with vertical leaf posture
- Deep green in color with extraordinary visual appeal
- Excellent late season color retention & early spring green-up
- Short stolon & internode length
- Vigorous root, stolon and rhizome production
- Available only through licensed producers
Improved Plant Vigor
- Zeon’s extensive root system, high stolon frequency, and vigorous rhizome growth produces a thick compact turf that recovers quickly from injury
- Zeon’s turf quality tested much higher, compared to other zoysia cultivars in the National Zoysiagrass tests
- In controlled testing by the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP), Zeon produced less thatch than all other zoysia cultivars except ‘JaMur’ another of The Turfgrass Group, Inc. varieties
- Zeon will consistently establish in a wide variety of soil types
- Zeon exhibited superior genetic characteristics in replicated turf stress trials in Illinois, Georgia, & Texas
Cultural Practices
- When maintained at 1-2” Zeon has the feel of a Bermuda type. This is definitely “Barefoot Grass”
- In golf course fairway applications, Zeon can be maintained at as low as 3/8” mowing height
- Zeon can be easily maintained using a standard rotary type lawnmower
- All herbicides and fertilizers necessary for the maintenance of Zeon can be purchased at your local nursery or hardware store
- All herbicides used on other zoysia cultivars can be safely applied to Zeon Zoysia®
Certified Purity & Uniformity
- Zeon is licensed in the Southeastern U.S., Hawaii, and Australia exclusively to The Turfgrass Group, Inc. and its sub-licensees.
- Zeon is available only through a select group of licensed certified producers
- Zeon is grown & sold under a rigorous set of rules & guidelines designed to promote on-going quality, purity, and uniformity
State Certification
- Certification is the only method of assuring the consumer is receiving the variety they purchased
- Zeon can only be produced and sold as a Certified turfgrass variety, unlike many other varieties
- Certification agencies in each state inspect all Zeon production fields regularly, protecting the interests of the consumer by providing a third party system of quality control
Homeowner Tips and How To's Blog
How Long Does It Take for Zeon Zoysia® to Fully Establish?
Zeon Zoysia® is a top-choice turfgrass variety renowned for its fine texture, lush green appearance, and resilience. Whether you’re planning…
Read More...Why Zeon Zoysia® Is the Best Choice for Your Lawn
When selecting the best turfgrass for your home or commercial landscape, Zeon Zoysia® sod stands out as a premium choice.…