Mr. Leon Warren
Drs. Travis Gannon and Fred Yelverton
In many cases, controlling winter weeds in the dead of winter is not a great idea. Once cold weather sets in, winter weed growth slows down significantly. Even nonselective herbicides struggle to kill weeds such as henbit, annual bluegrass and perennials such as white clover when applied in winter months. Winter weeds will basically go dormant but stay green and survive through snow and ice. When spring and warmer temperatures approach, winter weed growth and development resumes quickly. Spring would be a better time to successfully control winter weeds once they resume growing. Turfgrass that have winter weeds in winter months had winter weeds in fall months as well. Whether from procrastination or just the fact that the weeds were so small they were not noticeable in the fall, winter weed control applications are possible in some instances. Read entire article.