What Is Thatch and How Does It Affect Zoysiagrass?

Thatch is a term often encountered in lawn care, yet many homeowners and gardeners may need help understanding its implications for grass health.  This article delves into the concept of thatch, how it forms, its effects on Zoysiagrass, and practical strategies for managing and mitigating thatch issues. Understanding Thatch Thatch is a layer of organic…

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Do’s and Don’ts of Winter Dormancy in Bermudagrass

Do’s and Don’ts of Winter Dormancy in Bermudagrass

Winter dormancy in Bermudagrass is a crucial phase in the life cycle of this warm-season grass. It’s a period when the grass goes dormant to conserve energy and protect itself from harsh winter conditions. Proper care during this time is essential to ensure a healthy and vibrant lawn when spring arrives. In this article, we’ll…

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