The Turfgrass Group – Bermuda Sod for the Perfect Yard

Bermuda Sod

A grassy lawn is sure to perk up the outer beauty of your home and be a great place to sit or hang out.

The best way to achieve this is to use bermuda sod grass, known for its strength, drought resistance, lush appearance, and adaptability.

This grass type has become quite popular among homeowners and landscapers.

In this guide, we will cover the important considerations you should know when buying Bermuda sod.

This knowledge will help you make informed purchasing decisions that lead to a thriving lawn.

Understanding Bermuda Grass

Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass that thrives under full sun and heat.

It grows strong and holds up well under heavy foot traffic, making it suitable for residential lawns, sports fields, and golf courses.

You must be aware of the characteristics and requirements of Bermuda grass before buying the sod.

Benefits of Bermuda Grass

Durable: Bermuda grass recovers quickly from wear and tear and is an excellent choice for high-traffic areas.

Ornamental Value: Its bright green color and fine texture give it the look of a lush lawn.

Hardiness: Bermuda grass tolerates many soil varieties.

It is drought-resistant and thrives with sufficient moisture.

Self-Healing: The grass can propagate through underground rhizomes and above-ground stolons, supporting its recovery after damage.

Assessing Your Local Climate

Before purchasing Bermuda sod, determine if your local climate is suitable for this grass.

Bermuda grass requires warm temperatures and sunny conditions for most of the day.

It is best suited for USDA hardiness zones 7-10.


Bermuda grass can grow in temperatures between 75°F and 100°F.

It struggles in cooler temperatures and cannot withstand harsh winters.


Bermuda grass requires full sun and at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight every day.

If your yard is adequately shaded, the grass will not thrive there.


Bermuda grass is drought-resistant but needs frequent watering to establish and maintain a healthy lawn.

Explore specific types of Bermuda grass suitable for your area to ensure optimal growth.

Information can be obtained through local agricultural extensions or cooperative programs.

Determining Your Lawn’s Use

Consider how you plan to use your lawn.

This decision will help you choose the right Bermuda grass variety.

High-Traffic Areas

If you plan on using your lawn for sports or playground equipment for kids and pets, select a hardy variety with excellent recovery, such as Hybrid Bermuda.

Aesthetic Lawns

If you want a clean, attractive lawn, Improved Bermuda may be the best choice; it has been bred for color and texture.

General Use

Common Bermuda is well-suited for general use, balancing durability and appearance.

Depending on your lawn’s intended use, consider consulting with a local nursery or landscape professional to select the best variety.

Choosing the Right Bermuda Grass Variety

Various Bermuda grasses present different characteristics and features.

Here are some of the most popular types:

Common Bermuda

This less expensive variety is easier to find and suitable for general use in lawns and sports fields.

It is hardy and can withstand significant wear and tear, although it looks less full and rich than many hybrid varieties.

Hybrid Bermuda

This type is a hybrid between Common Bermuda and other species.

It is more resistant to drought and diseases and has a finer texture.

Due to its high performance, hybrid Bermuda is often used in golf courses and athletic fields.

Improved Bermuda

This strain has been bred for color and texture, resulting in a lawn that is either rich green or features more vibrant colors while remaining durable.

This makes it ideal for homeowners looking to enhance both aesthetics and functionality.

When choosing your Bermuda grass variety, consider climate adaptability, intended use, and local recommendations.

Measuring Your Lawn Area

Now comes the easy part: measuring your lawn area to determine how many rolls of Bermuda sod you’ll need.

Measuring Length and Width

Ensure you have a tape measure handy.

Measure the length and width of your lawn in feet.

Multiply one number by the other to calculate the square footage.

If your lawn isn’t a perfect shape, divide the area into sections.

Calculate the square footage of each section and add those figures together.

Buying More Than You Will Need

It is a good idea to buy 10% more sod than you think you will need.

This extra will help you cut and fit around the edges or other irregularities of the lawn.

Researching Sod Suppliers

For great quality Bermuda sod, you will want a reputable local sod supplier.

Here’s how to choose a supplier:

Local Know-How

Select suppliers who understand Bermuda grass and the local growing conditions.

Sod Quality

Look for a supplier that offers newly harvested sod.

Ask them about their growing practices and ensure they provide weed, pest, and disease-free sod.

Customer Reviews

Search for reviews online.

Ask your neighbors or local gardening groups if someone has used a supplier and had a good experience.

Inspecting the Sod

Before making a purchase, look over the Bermuda sod.

Color and Texture

Check for vivid green color and healthy texture.

The grass should be firm and not soggy.


Look for signs of disease or pests.

Avoid sod that has brown, dry, or patchy discoloration.

Soil Quality

If possible, inspect the soil attached to the sod.

High-quality sod should have wet, dark topsoil that is not excessively compacted.

Inquiring About Care Requirements

Different species of Bermuda grass have unique care requirements.

Inquire about the specific care needs for the sod from your supplier or a local expert before making a final decision.

Mowing Height

Keep your Bermuda grass at a mowing height of 1 to 1.5 inches for healthy growth and to discourage weeds.

Watering Schedule

New sod should be kept moist.

Set up a watering schedule for the first weeks after laying, gradually reducing it weekly as the grass establishes.


Regular fertilization is essential for a healthy Bermuda lawn.

Consult with your supplier for the best types and schedules for fertilization.

Following Maintenance Guidelines

Bermuda sod requires proper care soon after installation.

A well-manicured lawn can be developed only with consistent care.


Keep the soil moist for the first few weeks after establishment.

Reduce the amount of watering once the grass has fully established.


Frequent mowing helps maintain the specified height and promotes lateral growth, which benefits density.


Follow your supplier’s fertilization schedule to ensure healthy growth throughout the growing season.


Monitor for weeds and take necessary steps to prevent them from competing with your Bermuda grass.


Investing in Bermuda sod enhances the beauty and functionality of your outdoor space.

This guide provides valuable tips for buying and installing Bermuda sod, leading to a vibrant and resilient lawn that will be the pride of your home.

Important Takeaways

  • Determine your local climate and whether Bermuda grass is suitable for your location.
  • Choose a type of Bermuda grass based on the intended use of your lawn.
  • Calculate the area of your lawn to determine how much sod to buy accurately.
  • Find and select a reputable local sod supplier that guarantees quality sod.
  • Examine your sod before purchasing to ensure it is healthy and of good quality.
  • Know the maintenance requirements for the chosen type of Bermuda grass.
  • Plan for proper installation and determine the budget for the process.
  • Follow maintenance guidelines after installation for the perfect Bermuda lawn.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When should I water the Bermuda sod after installation?

Water your Bermuda sod immediately after installation and maintain a schedule of consistent moisture application for the first few weeks. After that, the frequency of watering should be reduced as the grass grows.

Should I fertilize my Bermuda sod, and if so, how often?

Yes, Bermuda sod appreciates regular fertilization. A balanced fertilizer should be applied every 6-8 weeks during the growing season to promote healthy growth.

What is the ideal mowing height for Bermuda grass?

Keep Bermuda grass at an average mowing height of approximately 1 to 1.5 inches. Maintaining the correct mowing height is crucial to the health and aesthetic appearance of the grass.

Can I walk on my Bermuda sod immediately after installation?

It is best to avoid walking on newly installed Bermuda sod for the first few weeks to allow the root system to establish. After this period, you can gradually introduce light foot traffic.

How long does it take for Bermuda sod to establish?

It typically takes about 2-3 weeks for Bermuda sod to establish roots and begin actively growing. However, complete establishment may take a few months, depending on the weather and soil conditions.

Is aeration necessary for Bermuda sod?

Aeration should be done every 1-2 years for Bermuda sod. This practice is essential for improving soil aeration and promoting root growth, although the frequency may vary based on your lawn conditions.

Can I place Bermuda sod in shady areas of my lawn?

Bermuda grass grows best in full sun and does not thrive in shady areas. Consider planting more shade-tolerant grasses for those areas.

What pests and diseases should I watch out for with Bermuda sod?

Common pests include armyworms, grubs, and chinch bugs, while common diseases include dollar spots and brown patches. Regular monitoring and proper care can help prevent and address these issues.