Engineering Better Turfgrass One Blade at a Time

The Turfgrass Group has established itself as a premier source for exclusive turfgrass cultivars that remain on the cutting edge of turfgrass technology and engineering.

The Turfgrass Group has established itself as a premier source for exclusive turfgrass cultivars that remain on the cutting edge of turfgrass technology and engineering. Through collaboration with our private sector and university breeding program alliances, TTG licenses the production of one of the finest collections of superior “value added” turfgrass varieties available. Each of our Certified cultivars is of known pedigree and has exhibited reliable performance and consistency in practical application over time.
Through these synergies and the assemblage of seasoned turfgrass professionals and forward-thinking industry leaders, TTG has developed a teamwork approach to evaluating the many turfgrass choice options available in today’s marketplace. This approach allows us to reach far beyond our individual technical expertise. We believe it has provided a unity of purpose and has enabled TTG to do more than we could have individually for the advancement of the turfgrass industry.
TTG firmly believes that the financial security of today’s turfgrass producer lies in providing the consumer with superior cultivars that have been performance evaluated, based on hard science, while reducing environmental impact. Therefore, it is imperative that the varieties we choose to license and produce provide the opportunity to be good stewards of both our financial and environmental resources while creating long term savings for the consumer and a more livable community and eco-system.
Beginning with the release of TifBlair® Certified Centipede and T-10 Bermudagrass, developed by USDA/ARS geneticist Dr. Wayne Hanna and the internationally recognized turfgrass breeding program at The University of Georgia, TTG began laying the foundation for our commitment to progressive turfgrass technologies and environmental resource management and stewardship.
With the release of Zeon® and JaMur® Zoysiagrass, The Turfgrass Group name became synonymous with superior turfgrass cultivars. Coming from germplasm collected by USDA research geneticist Dr. Jack Murray in Kobe, Japan, Zeon, and JaMur were then selected and developed by David Doguet and the research team of Bladerunner Farms. Once again, utilizing the same selection protocols and evaluation criteria.
With this TTG initiative comes great responsibility and a tremendous commitment to excellence. This pursuit mandates that our exclusive varieties must all outperform those varieties already commercially available, as is the case with our newest release TifTuf Certified Bermudagrass. TTG varieties must all meet state certification standards and can be produced only by a limited number of licensed certified producers in each state. TTG varieties have all undergone extensive university and/or breeder evaluation, including The National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) trials. TTG varieties have all been marketed and put into practical application prior to being made available to the turfgrass production community.
The superior growth habits and minimal water-use and fertility requirements of the TTG varieties will consistently provide reliable performance and exceptional value as they continue to take market share. While that’s happening, The Turfgrass Group will be working towards the development of the next generation of improved turfgrass cultivars.