"Zoysia as a Game Changer" Featured at Recent Golf Industry Show

March 25, 2015


During the 2015 national Golf Industry Show for golf course superintendents, held last month in San Antonio, Texas, a panel of experts hosted an educational event on February 23 — “Zoysia as a Game Changer” — to promote the use of zoysiagrass. Bill Carraway, vice president of marketing for The Turfgrass Group, was one of the panelists.

Also speaking on the panel, among several others, was Neil Cleverly (golf superintendent at the 2016 Olympics golf course in Rio de Janeiro), David Douget (owner of Bladerunner farms, the world’s largest independently owned zoysiagrass breeding facility, and breeder of the Zeon Zoysia featured on the Olympics golf course) and Ken Mangum (retiring superintendent at Atlanta Athletic Club, where Zeon Zoysia grasses some fairways).

The day’s event also included tours of Bladerunner Farms and the Golf Club of Texas, which will reopen this spring after a renovation project that includes re-grassing the greens with LF1 Zoysia, tees with Zeon Zoysia and fairways and roughs with Jamur Zoysia.

For a pdf of the informative brochure about the event and its panel of experts, as well as the mission of Team Zoysia, click here.

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