Turfgrass Breeding Efforts Often Rely on Intellectual Property Protection

The breeding and development of improved turfgrass varieties is a time-consuming and complex process. As Terry Hollifield, executive director of the Georgia Crop Improvement Association, points out on the front page of the association’s Spring 2017 newsletter, “Since the passage of the Plant Variety Protection Act (PVPA) in 1970 and revised in 1994 and the…

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Atlanta Home Magazine Features TifTuf Bermudagrass

The March/April 2017 issue of My Home Improvement magazine, published for homeowners in Atlanta, Georgia, featured a three-page article on TifTuf Bermudagrass, calling it “the perfect grass for your yard.” The article extolled TifTuf’s extraordinary drought tolerance and listed several additional attributes, including its good performance in shade, its early spring greenup and its excellent…

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What to Do Now for Your Spring Lawn

Ready to get started in prepping your lawn for the summer months ahead? Below are a few tips to keep it healthy and lush as the weather warms up. Mow a bermudagrass or zoysiagrass lawn when it first turns green, with a rotary mower set as low as possible without scalping. Mow before the grass…

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Zeon and L1F Help Take Bluejack National to #1!

It’s official — Bluejack National, Tiger Woods’ first American-designed golf course, located just outside Houston, TX, has been named the #1 Best New Private Course (for 2016) by both Golf Digest and Golf Magazine! On all surfaces except for the putting greens, the course is planted with two varieties of zoysiagrass — Zeon Zoysia on…

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Managing Thatch on Lawns

Several varieties of lawn grasses (such as zoysiagrass, bermudagrass, St. Augustinegrass and centipedegrass) are vigorous growers and produce large quantities of stems, rhizomes, stolons and roots that are resistant to decay. That layer of dead, non-decayed organic matter that develops between the green grass and the soil surface is called thatch. A shallow layer (1/2”…

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Apply Preemergence Herbicides Soon

Stopping weeds before they gain a “roothold” in your lawn is one of the smartest cultural practices you can use. Applying a preemergence herbicide does just that — it doesn’t stop the weed seeds from actually germinating, but it kills the new seedlings before they “emerge” by providing a chemical barrier at the soil surface.…

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It’s Time to Test Your Soil

Soil tests provide important information about the nutrient status of the soil under your grass. You can use the test results to select and apply the kind of nutrients, and how much, to provide the optimum soil fertility for your particular kind of grass. In fact, without conducting a soil test first, fertilizing a lawn,…

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UGA Video Details the Story of TifTuf Certified Bermudagrass

Dr. Brian Schwartz, a turfgrass breeder at the University of Georgia who has extensively documented his research on TifTuf bermudagrass, has released a 23-minute video that details many of his eye-opening results. Originally selected for its superior drought tolerance, TifTuf has proven under strenuous trials to not only use less water than other bermudagrass varieties,…

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Non-Turf Lawns Can Backfire, As They Did in Los Angeles

A recent article published on Bloomberg.com illustrates the dangers of municipalities financially rewarding citizens who replace their lawn grass with an alternative surface, such as gravel. According to the article, the years-long drought in southern California spurred local water districts to offer a combined rebate of $3.75 per square foot for homeowners and businesses to…

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Olympic Golf Course to Open in Rio for Public Play This Weekend

According to an article posted on GolfAdvisor.com yesterday, the golf course that hosted the 2016 Summer Olympic competition last month in Rio de Janeiro will open for public play this coming Saturday, October 1. Green fees will be $75 for Brazilians and will range from $150 to $225 for foreigners. The keeper of the course,…

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