TifGrand® Bermuda Longer

Greens Up Quickly in Spring

Stays Green Later Into Fall

Withstands Up to 50% Shade

Resistant to Drought or Disease

A Grass That Offers MVP Performance Season After Season

The Turfgrass Group
tough to wear and good recovery icon

Resistant to Heavy Wear


Easy To Maintain


Great in Full Sun or Shade


Early Spring Green Up


Cold Weather Tolerant


Uses Less Fertilizer

Tough Enough for Professional Athletes—and Your Kids

The Turfgrass Group

TifGrand® Bermudagrass is the stuff fields of dreams are made of. Known for its dark green color and fine leaf blades, it’s a natural choice for playing surfaces across the nation. If it offers an MVP performance against world-class athletes on game day, you can count on it to look great every day your athletes take your field – um, lawn. TifGrand Bermudagrass thrives well in shade or full sunlight, yet one more reason why homeowners, sod producers, and turf breeders regard it like a true champion.

 Key Benefits of TifGrand Certified Bermudagrass

Tifgrand growth zone map

TifGrand Certified Bermudagrass grows exceptionally well in most of the "sunbelt" region of the country and is proven successful into areas in the mid-Atlantic region. Please see the map for further detail.

  • Superior shade tolerance over all other bermudagrass cultivars.
  • Early Spring Green Up.
  • Superior wear tolerance and shear strength compared to all other tested bermudagrass cultivars
  • More Disease Resistant.
  • Better Overall Turfgrass Quality.
  • Fast Recovery From Wear or Drought.

Frequently Asked Questions About TifGrand Certified Bermuda

How much water does my TifGrand Bermuda lawn need?

How often and how much should I fertilize TifGrand Bermuda?

What height is best for mowing TifGrand Bermuda?

Take a Moment to Browse Through the TifGrand Bermuda Image Gallery

TifGrand Certified Bermuda Technical Specifications


  • Dark green color.
  • Fine leaf blade (dwarf classification).
  • Reduced fertility requirements.
  • Superior turf quality in full sun.
  • Late season color retention.
  • Can only be produced as Certified.

Improved Plant Vigor

  • Thrives in 60%-70% shade (5 hours direct sun).
  • Good cold tolerance
  • Excellent Tawny Mole Cricket resistance.
  • Superior rhizome and stolon production.
  • Since 1997, it has undergone 19 tests at universities in independent trials.

Cultural Practices

  • Suggested mowing height 1/2″- 1 1/2 “.
  • 20-25 lbs. N per acre or 1/2 – 1lb N per 1,000 square feet every four weeks depending on growing season once established.
  • Maintain high levels of K (up to 1N:2K) throughout the year, with special emphasis during late summer and fall.
  • Gradually raise mowing height in the fall as night-time temperatures are approaching the low 50°F.

State Certification

  • Certification is the only method of assuring the consumer is receiving the variety they purchased.
  • TifGrand can only be produced and sold as a Certified turfgrass variety, unlike many other varieties.
  • Certification agencies in each state inspect all TifGrand production fields regularly, protecting the interests of the consumer by providing a third-party system of quality control.

Homeowner Tips and How To's Blog

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