Bermuda grass is a popular lawn choice due to its ability to withstand heat, drought, and heavy foot traffic. With numerous varieties available, it’s essential to understand the different types of Bermuda grass to determine which one is best suited for your lawn. Whether you’re looking for a fine-textured, dark green property or a grass variety that thrives in the shade, a Bermuda grass type fits your needs. Let’s explore some of the common types and their characteristics.
Factors To Consider Before Choosing Bermuda Grass
Several factors must be considered before selecting a Bermuda grass type for your lawn. These include:
- Climate: Different Bermuda grass varieties thrive in different environments, so choosing a type well-suited to your region’s temperature and rainfall patterns is crucial.
- Sunlight: Bermuda grass requires full sun for optimal growth, so evaluate the sunlight your lawn receives throughout the day.
- Soil Type: Bermuda grass can adapt to various soil types but performs best in well-drained soils with good fertility.
- Maintenance Level: Consider the level of maintenance you’re willing to provide, as some Bermuda grass types require more frequent mowing, fertilizing, and watering than others.
The Different Types Of Bermuda Grass Varieties
- Common Bermuda Grass (Cynodon dactylon): Common Bermuda grass is the most widely used variety. It has medium to coarse texture and aggressive growth habits, making it ideal for high-traffic areas. However, it may require more maintenance than other types.
- Hybrid Bermuda Grass (Cynodon dactylon x Cynodon transvaalensis): Hybrid Bermuda grass crosses Common Bermuda grass and another Bermuda grass species. It combines the best traits of both parents, offering improved durability, density, and disease resistance.
- Celebration Bermuda Grass: Celebration Bermuda grass is known for its dark green color and fine texture. It has excellent drought tolerance and is suitable for areas with total sun exposure.
- Tifway 419 Bermuda Grass: Tifway 419 is a popular Bermuda grass variety often used on sports fields and golf courses. It has a medium texture and excellent wear tolerance, making it ideal for high-traffic areas.
- TifTuf Bermuda Grass: TifTuf is a drought-tolerant Bermuda grass variety that requires less water than many other types. It has a fine texture and good shade tolerance, making it a versatile lawn option.
- Princess Bermuda Grass: Princess Bermuda grass is a fine-textured variety that thrives in warm climates. It has good shade tolerance and is known for its attractive appearance.
How To Choose The Best Bermuda Grass Type For Your Lawn?
Selecting the best Bermuda grass type for your lawn depends on various factors, including climate, lawn usage, and maintenance preferences. Here are some guidelines to help you make an informed decision:
- Research: Understand the characteristics of different Bermuda grass varieties and how they align with your lawn’s requirements.
- Consult Experts: Seek advice from local lawn care professionals or horticulturists who can provide insights specific to your region.
- Consider Your Lawn’s Needs: Evaluate your lawn’s exposure to sunlight, foot traffic, and soil conditions to determine the level of tolerance and maintenance required.
- Prioritize Traits: Identify the traits that matter most to you, such as color, texture, shade tolerance, and drought resistance.
- Testimonials and Reviews: Read reviews or speak with other homeowners who have installed Bermuda grass lawns to gather firsthand information about the pros and cons of different varieties.
By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you can select the Bermuda grass type that will thrive in your lawn and provide the desired aesthetic appeal.
Common Issues With Bermudagrass And How To Troubleshoot
While Bermuda grass is known for its resilience, it may encounter specific issues that require attention. Here are a few common problems associated with Bermuda grass and their troubleshooting measures:
- Weed Invasion: Bermuda grass can face weed invasion, especially in thin or weak areas. Regular mowing, proper fertilization, and appropriate watering practices can help prevent weed encroachment.
- Pest Infestations: Some pests, such as armyworms or mole crickets, can damage Bermuda grass. Effective pest control measures, including insecticides and lawn maintenance, can help mitigate the issue.
- Fungal Diseases: Bermuda grass may be susceptible to fungal diseases like dollar spots or brown patches. Adequate lawn care practices, such as proper watering and good air circulation, can minimize the risk of fungal infections.
- Poor Soil Conditions: Improper soil pH, compacted soil, or nutrient deficiencies can affect Bermuda grass health. Conduct a soil test to identify any shortcomings and amend the soil accordingly.
- Scalping or Thatch Buildup: Improper mowing practices can lead to scalping or thatch buildup, hindering the grass’s growth. Maintain the appropriate mowing height and periodically dethatch the lawn to promote healthy growth.
Regular maintenance, including mowing, watering, fertilizing, and addressing issues promptly, can help keep your Bermuda grass healthy and vibrant.
FAQs on Common Types Of Bermuda Grass
What are the different varieties of Bermuda grass?
Some common Bermuda grass varieties include Tifway 419, Celebration Bermuda grass, TifTuf Bermuda grass, Princess Bermuda grass, Common Bermuda grass, and Hybrid Bermuda grass.
How do I know what Bermuda grass I have?
To identify the type of Bermuda grass in your lawn, you can compare its characteristics with the known traits of different varieties or consult a lawn care professional or horticulturist who can provide accurate identification.
What is the best Bermuda grass to buy?
Buying the best Bermuda grass depends on your specific lawn needs and preferences. When selecting the ideal variety, factors such as climate, sunlight exposure, and maintenance level should be considered.
What are the drawbacks of Bermuda grass?
While Bermuda grass offers many benefits, it has a few drawbacks. It can be invasive and require regular maintenance, including mowing and irrigation. It can also become dormant or turn brown during drought or cold weather.
What is the toughest Bermuda grass?
Tifway 419 Bermuda grass is known for its durability and wear tolerance, making it one of the most challenging varieties.
What is the best low-maintenance Bermuda grass?
TifTuf Bermuda grass is considered a low-maintenance option due to its excellent drought tolerance and reduced water requirements compared to other Bermuda grass varieties.
What’s the difference between Bermuda and Coastal Bermuda?
Coastal Bermuda is a variety of Bermuda grass adapted explicitly to coastal regions, offering better salt tolerance. Bermuda grass, on the other hand, refers to the broader group of grass species within the Cynodon genus.
Can you mix different types of Bermuda grass?
While mixing different types of Bermuda grass is possible, it is generally not recommended due to variations in growth habits, maintenance requirements, and appearance.
How do I know if I have common or hybrid Bermuda grass?
A visual inspection and comparison of the grass’s characteristics, such as color, texture, and growth habits, can help determine whether you have ordinary or hybrid Bermuda grass. Consulting a lawn care professional can provide a more accurate identification.
What grass will choke out Bermuda?
Tall fescue is known to be competitive against Bermuda grass and can potentially choke it out in certain conditions.
What type of Bermuda is Scotts?
Scotts offers various Bermuda grass seed blends, including their popular Scotts Turf Builder Bermuda Grass Seed, which typically consists of a mix of improved Bermuda grass varieties.
What is the softest Bermuda grass?
Princess Bermuda grass is known for its fine texture, making it one of the softest varieties.
Is it better to cut Bermuda grass short or long?
Bermuda grass is best maintained at a shorter height, typically around 1-2 inches, to promote denser growth and discourage weed development.
Will Bermuda grass take over weeds?
Healthy and well-maintained Bermuda grass can out-compete many weeds. However, it is still essential to address weed issues promptly through proper lawn care practices and occasional weed control measures if necessary.
What kills Bermuda grass in lawns?
Selective herbicides containing glyphosate or fluazifop are commonly used to kill Bermuda grass in lawns. However, these products should be used with caution, following the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
What are the pros and cons of Bermuda grass?
Pros of Bermuda grass include its high heat tolerance, excellent wear resistance, and ability to recover quickly from damage. However, cons include its potential invasiveness, high maintenance requirements, and dormancy during winter months in colder regions.
What is common Bermuda called?
Common Bermuda grass is known by its scientific name, Cynodon dactylon.
Does Common Bermuda make a good lawn?
Common Bermuda grass can make a good lawn, especially in high-traffic areas or when budget constraints are a consideration. However, it may require more maintenance than other Bermuda grass varieties.
What does Bermuda grass look like when it first comes up?
When Bermuda grass first emerges, it appears as thin, light green blades that gradually develop into a dense turf as it matures.
What are the runners on top of Bermuda grass?
The runners on top of Bermuda grass are called stolons. These above-ground stems allow the grass to spread and establish new growth points.
How do you mow hybrid Bermuda grass?
When mowing hybrid Bermuda grass, it is recommended to maintain a mowing height of around 1-1.5 inches. Additionally, ensure the mower blades are sharp and avoid removing more than one-third of the grass height at a time.
Why is Bermuda grass brown after mowing?
Bermuda grass may appear brown after mowing if the blades are cut too short, or the grass is under stress due to drought, low temperatures, or nutrient deficiencies. Proper mowing height and lawn care can help maintain the vibrant green color.
What grass chokes out crabgrass?
Tall fescue is often recommended as a grass variety that can choke out crabgrass due to its dense growth habit and shade tolerance.
What is the best time to plant Bermuda grass seed?
The best time to plant Bermuda grass seed is during late spring or early summer when soil temperatures consistently reach around 65-70°F (18-21°C). This allows for optimal germination and establishment.