If you are a turfgrass manager, then you know the importance of using the right grass for your climate and region. But what if you’re just a regular homeowner trying to achieve a perfect lawn? You might not know all the ins and outs of NTEP turfgrass ratings!
Not all grasses are created equal, and some will perform better than others in certain areas. That’s why it’s important to use the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) to find the best grasses for your needs.
In this brief guide, we will discuss what NTEP ratings are, and how they can help you choose the right grass for your property.
What Are NTEP Turfgrass Ratings?
NTEP turfgrass ratings date back to the early 1980s when the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program was created. The NTEP is a cooperative effort between public and private entities, including universities, government agencies, and turfgrass breeders and producers.
The program’s main purpose is to test and rate different varieties of turfgrasses. Thus, turf managers and homeowners can choose the best grass for their needs.
There are three main types of NTEP turfgrass ratings:
– National ratings
– Regional ratings
– State ratings
Each type of rating is based on a different set of criteria. However, they all use the same 0 to 100 point scale. The higher the score, the better the grass performed in that particular test.
How Do NTEP Turfgrass Ratings Work?
NTEP turfgrass ratings are based on extensive testing of different grass varieties. The tests are conducted over several years to account for different weather conditions and other variables.
Each type of rating is designed to evaluate different aspects of the turfgrass. For example, its resistance to disease, its ability to tolerate drought, and its overall appearance.
To get a state or regional rating, a turfgrass must first be tested at the national level. Once it has been rated nationally, it can then be further tested in different states or regions.
This allows turf managers to choose the best grass for their particular climate and region.
Why Are NTEP Turfgrass Ratings Important?
NTEP turfgrass ratings are important because they provide an unbiased, scientific evaluation of different turfgrass varieties. To create ratings, NTEP conducts extensive two-year trials on different turfgrasses in numerous locations. The data from these trials are then used to generate ratings for each grass. These ratings allow turfgrass managers and homeowners alike to compare the performance of different grasses side-by-side. This information is essential for turf managers and homeowners alike who need to choose the best grass for their climate and region.
The ratings also help breeders and producers improve the quality of their turfgrasses. By understanding which traits are important to turf managers, they can focus on breeding and producing grasses with those traits.
How Can I Use NTEP Turfgrass Ratings?
No matter what your needs are, NTEP turfgrass ratings can help you choose the best grass for your climate and region.
Turfgrass Manager
If you are a turf manager, then you should use these turfgrass ratings to choose the best grass for your needs. For example, if you’re looking for a grass that is heat tolerant, you can find the heat tolerance ratings for different kinds of grasses. Thus, you can choose the one that is best suited for your area. You can search for ratings on the NTEP website, or you can ask your local extension office for help.
If you are a homeowner, you can use turfgrass ratings to choose the best grass for your lawn. Simply consult the NTEP ratings to find a grass that will perform well in your climate. You can either ask your local nursery or landscape company for help, or you can search for ratings on the NTEP website.
Alternatively, you can also contact a turf expert like The Turfgrass Group, who can connect you with local growers of the highest quality grass cultivars for your area. Even if you aren’t a professional turfgrass manager, understanding and referencing turfgrass ratings can help you choose the best turf variety for your home. With so many turf varieties available on the market, it can be difficult to choose the right one for your needs. However, by using NTEP ratings, you can find a turfgrass that is well suited for your climate and region.
Takeaways on NTEP Turfgrass Ratings
If you’re in the market for a new lawn, you may have heard of NTEP turfgrass ratings. But what do they mean? And how do they affect your purchasing decisions?
In short, NTEP turfgrass ratings are a way to compare different kinds of grasses. These turfgrass ratings are a valuable tool for both turfgrass managers and homeowners alike. If you’re looking to install a new lawn, as a professional or a homeowner, be sure to consult the NTEP ratings to find the best grass for your needs.